Tuesday, September 30, 2008


i havent updated, schools radical and over baring but i can get by. the teachers are okay but i have a great science teacher. im so happy tommy w. comment one of my blogs! that means so much to me. my boyfriend and joe are gaint dorks. but thats too much detail to explain. ive been gaging my ears but its worth it i love them. schools a jail and im forced to breath air with grubby little kids and low lifes.
but lets talk about our persident election.
go obama!
it seems like in 4 to 5 months we are electing a president, but america is just focusing on stupid trival facts, like obama doesnt wear a flag pin.
the fact is our ecomony sucks our banks are crashing (the washington mutral and a.i.g went down.) and were about 7 billion dollars in money we owe. and not us to say not the people the stupid goverment and were paying from them with our taxs. its like given every man woman and child about 3 thousand dollars that how much we owe. but none the less i dont find the war any more amusing.
but mccain i feel wont do anything about it. obama can change it
vote for hop vote for obama.